Biyernes, Setyembre 28, 2012

You Win Some, You Booze Some

For all you guys who makes drinking a part of your lifestyle, you'll surely find this post of mine super handy! I'm gonna write about the things my buddies and I usually do if we really really want to drink but our budget's too freaking tight. I think I'll give out 8 ideas today that are definitely tried and tested, I'll even do the costing for these mofos! I've searched the prices of the items over the internet, so it will definitely vary depending on your location or where you buy the booze and shit. 

Again, I am not saying that I'm a hardcore drinker, I wrote this post out of boredom and because I'm awesome! Oh yeah, no freaking judging on what you're about to read. I am not a bar tender, so I am not familiar with their proper names, all that you're about to read are based purely on my experiences and observations. I'm gonna even tell you guys where I first tasted these awesome awesome mixes!

1.Gin + any kind of powdered juice
Viewpoint, Antonio St., Dapitan!!!


I think this one's gotta be the cheapest, sure na sure! If you're thinking that I'm skwating for making this kind of drink, then screw you! I kidd, I kidd! I think the first time that I drank this mix was in 2008. I was a freshman in college, and there's an alley in Dapitan called Antonio which is like the smokers' spot in Dapitan (the street beside C&E Bookstore, not sure if its still a bookstore though). There's this secret drinking place in that smoking alley which is really popular to those students who just want to have a drink in between classes, its called Viewpoint. You can mix it with pineapple, orange, mango, pomelo and four seasons. 

Mix the powdered juice with water, pour as you will the booze, and serve it with ice!

A bottle of gin bilog is around 30 pesos plus 10 pesos for the powdered juice, let's say 3 pesos for ice, voila! 43 pesos for a pitcher of Gin mix! Pineapple, Orange, and Mango are some of my barkada's favorites.

2.Red Horse + ExtraJoss
Papu's, Xavierville Ave

This is a must-try! If you're not that much of a beer fan, this will surely make you
drink a mug or so! For those of you are not familiar with ExtraJoss, its like a powdered energy drink that you dilute in water and voila, instant sub for redbull! I dunno about the health blaaah of this drink, but what I'm sure is its good good good! The bitterness of the beer will magically disappear after you mix it with extrajoss. It'll become a bit sweeter, more like the drink Cali that most of us used to drink when we we're too young and too cool to drink the real stuff!

A bottle of Red Horse beer (1L) is around 56, I think (not sure), and a pack of Extrajoss is around 6 pesos! 62 bucks is all you need ofr this energy giving beer drink! AWESOOOOOME!

3. Tanduay + Coke
Somewhere in South Forbes

                    Damn this one's gotta be the most practical for me, being a huge Bacardi fan! Unless you're willing to spend a good 700 bucks for a bottle of 151, try mixing coke with Tanduay. Most of the bars who serves Rum coke serve this, so this one's probably a familiar taste for most of you guys who usually go out and party.

A bottle of Tanduay is around 90 pesos I think, that's the biggest one not 100% about this though. A bottle of a 1.5L Coke is around 40 pesos, again not sure about the prices. So for 130 pesos you can have the drink that you pay for 200 bucks in a bar and have it for only 8 pesos or so per glass! AWESOME.

4. Shembot
Cottonwoods, Antipolo

This one's probably the weirdest thing you'll ever hear when you ask what's in the drink. The drink's made of water, powdered melon juice, 3in1 coffee, and gin, and I am dead serious about this mix. :)) This is worth a try!!!! I really can't explain the taste but its good good good! Oh yeah, no idea where they got the name.

A bottle of gin bilog is 30 pesos, powdered melon juice 10 pesos, 3in1 coffee is 6 pesos. 46 pesos for this coffee and melon flavored cocktail.

5. Empi Light and Iced Tea
     No idea

Dunno, why this become a staple to most of the drinking sessions that I've been to. Emperador has been on the market for quite sometime, but didn't really catch the eye of the younger crowd, so they made a genius move by creating a light version of their drink. Come to think of it, there's not much of a difference between the two, maybe the word "light" is just a psychological shit that's being used by the company. Nevertheless this awesome brandy and iced tea combination's definitely taken the Philippines by storm! Even when I was in Coron, they were asking for this drink whenever we have a night out or just having a drinking session outside the staff houses.

A liter of empi light will cost you around 95 pesos plus the iced tea chaser, you'll probably need 2 packets of the powdered iced tea which costs 10 bucks a piece.


6. Mojitos and calamansi
My tita's place in Marikina

The cheaper version of Cuervo and lime! I don't like Mojitos that much cause it gives me one hell of a hangover the day after. If you're a huge tequila fan and you're running low on moolah, this one's definitely a life saver for you bro! Again, this one's a bitch so if you have an important appointment the day after, I don't think this one's the right booze for you.

A bottle of Mojito's around 200+ and I don't any idea how much a kilo of calamansi cost. -____-

7. The Bar Apple + Orange Juice + Blue Curacao
Cottonwoods, Antipolo

I know most of you guys don't like The Bar, but this is mix will definitely get you begging for more. The blue curacao's optional, the bar apple and orange's okay by itself. I know a lot people who gets the bar as gifts during their birthdays, well there you go, problem solved! This is a traitor drink, so mga papi if you're planning to get a girl drunk this mix will ought to do the trick. (I kidd, I kidd)

A bottle of the bar apple is around 90 pesos plus 10 pesos for the powdered orange juice. The blue curacao's optional so if you're budget's really tight you can just forget about it! A hundred bucks for an awesome cocktail, not bad eh?

8. Cossack and Fruit Soda
       no idea

The cheaper version of Vodka 7
,which usually is a mix of Absolut and 7up! Absolut will cost you around 600 bucks and 40 bucks for the 7up, which is only okay for most of us if there's a special occasion, like maybe if Dora's finally dead or something. I think Cossack's the one that most of the club use during open bars and I think most of the mobile bars too.

A bottle will cost you around 90 pesos and 30 pesos for the Soda! Serve this with ice for maximum vodka-fruit soda experience!

These are some of the things my friends and I usually drink whenever we're bored and there's really no occasion! Cheers if you're short on cash but you want to have to good freaking night! In my opinion, whether you're drinking a bottle of dom perignon or effin' gin bilog, at the end of the day they're just drinks that you're gonna pee in a couple of hours. 


Martes, Setyembre 25, 2012

11 THINGS You MUST Not Do In a Club

This is just a very very random post that I thought of, if ever you find this post offensive then you're probably doing these no nos. No, this post does not make me the person who tells the universe what's cool and what's not, these are just some things that I've observed during my night outs. So here are some of the things that made my list of "WHAT NOT TO DO IN A CLUB"

1. Don't force yourself to speak in a language you're not comfortable with.

I think number one's pretty obvious. Come on, you don't have to speak in English just for you to approach a girl, sometimes the ladies might even find it more attractive if you have the confidence to speak in your native tongue, rather than forcing yourself to speak in a fucking alien language. "Hi miss, pwedeng makipagkilala?" is better than "Hi miss, can I meet you?" which will be an instant entry on your list of most embarrassing moment. 

Well if you're comfortable in speaking let's say in English and the girl you want to approach is Marian Rivera-like then don't be a douche and stop speaking in fucking English. Well my main point is, if you are one confident enough lad, you can reel in a chick in whatever language you're using. Unless of course she's like Norwegian or Zimbabwean or she's a narwhal.


2. Don't wear a floral shirt (random)

If you want to be the laughing stock of the whole room, well be my freaking guest. If you want the people to be screaming "Mabuhay ang Maynila" then feel free to walk in a bar in that awesome awesome awesoooome shirt. Of course there's an exception like Luau or Hawaiian themed parties, but if you think that you're gonna go party hard and get laid wearing that shirt HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

But of course there are exceptions! If they are worn by these people

Derek Ramsay

Val Sotto



3. Do not blackout

Unless you want your friends to curse your future wife and kids, don't be a hard core "party animal", I'm not saying don't get drunk, be the life of the party drunk, the fun drunk, don't be the douchebag who pukes on your buddy's nice clothes and creates this fucking mayhem inside the club drunk. Control your alcohol intake, son. You might even puke on a girl you're trying to hit on, instant rejection coming right up!

4. Do not wear white shoes

This is a brother's advice, if you're planning to wear a pair of brand new white shoes, you gotta think it over man. Unless of course you're filthy rich and you only wear a pair once then you can fucking wear white kicks bro! Your shoes might end up like this

Think of all the people who's gonna step on your new shoes, and besides its fucking dark in there man, people will hardly notice your new babies in a jam packed club.

5. Don't get your designated driver drunk

This one's a no brainer, unless you wanna gamble with death or you wanna have a sleep over on the VIP couches, always have someone be sober enough to drive you guys home. 

Note: If you happen to be a kangaroo, then you're perfectly safe to drive people home.

6. MDAS's just lame nowadays

If you don't have any idea what MDAS stands for, its multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction, and believe it or not, they are fucking dance moves! Don't get me wrong, I'm no dancer, but if nobody's laughing at what you're doing, might as well cut it off and stick with the fist pump like everybody else, but if you know how to fucking levitate, do that!!!! Yes, you will scare the shit out of everyone but you'll be be the center of attention for a good couple of seconds!


7. Don't be a munchie

People nowadays call them "kung fu" or "kung fumulutan". You guys order food to accompany the drinks not to have it as dinner, so before going to the club make sure to fill up your tummy with food, but not that much or you won't be able to drink that much, you don't want to be puking after your 5 bottles of beer don't you? Pig out as much as you want if you're a Snorlax, but you're not one are you?

8. Party with no moolah

Even though its a birthday party, even though your friends are telling you that its on them, bring cash. You'll never know when you might need to buy something important, like 

a pack of cigs


a donkey

a pirate

, or cab fare because your friend blacked out or something, so bring cash!

9. Don't be a sourpuss!

You and your friends went out to have a blast. If you're asking people to go home at 1 fucking a.m, then might as well go home by yourself. Why agree on a nightout if you're gonna leave after 30 minutes. Unless you wanna ruin your friends' night and you wanna piss them off so bad, then don't be like this. You're gonna be "hassle sa muscle" sure na sure!

10. Screaming out "I'm fucking drunk" is not cool

Especially when everybody's aware that you had one bottle of beer or one shot of vodka, you are not drunk man! Maybe you just watch to much American Pie movies or have a life long dream to be branded as a cool guy for admitting to every single soul in that room that you're wasted. Instead for screaming this very very cool beans statement, if you're really really bummed out already, tell one of your friends and stop drinking immediately, if you think you've sobered up and you can take it booze again, then go on and get fucking wasted young lad!

11. Never leave your i.d

Everything's all set, and this rectangular piece of plastic can ruin your night of booze and boobies. So never leave your i.ds at home, unless you wanna line up for an hour or two and pay like 500 bucks.

So there you go, things you must not do in a club. Unless you want to commit social suicide. Again, I am not saying that I am cool or I'm the epitome of a hardcore party boy, I am just a mere observant in world that comes alive when the clock strikes 12.